Full-Stack Software Engineer; Professional Musician

A little about me

I am a conscientious, self driven and dedicated Full-Stack engineer who is passionate about bringing creativity to the world of technology and software engineering. My background in music and my interests in engineering have led me into the field of tech. My goal is to collaborate with others to instill ingenuity and create meaningful projects.




JavaScript. Python. HTML. CSS.

Frameworks and Libraries

Node.js. React. Express. Flask. Bootstrap.


MongoDb. PostgreSQL.

Recent Projects


Minesweeper 02/2022-02/2022

Minesweeper is a game about, strategy, decision making, and a little bit of luck. A grid 10 squares wide and 8 squares tall (8 wide and 10 tall on mobile devies) is presented. With the help of your place flag tool, it is your objective to clear the board of all of it's safe spaces withought triggering an explosion! Upon selecting a safe square, it will either display a number of 1-8,(this number tells you how many unsafe squares are in the neighboring area,) or trigger a chain reaction that flips all of the safe squares until it reaches a number.

Technologies Used 💻: JavaScript CSS HTML Git/Github

Check Out Minesweeper

Cookie Clicker Big

Cookie Clicker (in progress) (08/2022)-(current)

Cookie Clicker is a clone of Julien "Orteil" Thiennot's 2013 browser game. The front end and game logic is programmed in React.js and is supported by a Node.js/Express/MongoDb back end to persist save files.

Technologies Used 💻: JavaScript Node.js Express.js Mongoose MongoDb CSS React Bootstrap Git/Github Heroku

Check out Cookie Clicker

Musician's Rolodex

The Musician's Rolodex (03/2022)-(03/2022)

The Musicians Rolodex is a full stack private workspace that works just like any vanilla contacts application, but with the needs of a working musician in mind. Each contact card has storage for Name, Email Address, Instrumnet, Location, willingess to travel, wheather or not they are a teacher, and notes. Each user who signs in with their google account will be able to privately store and edit their own collection of contacts and be able to add instruments to the public list.

Technologies Used 💻: JavaScript Node.js Express.js Mongoose MongoDb Passport CSS Bootstrap CSS HTML EJS Git/Github Heroku

Check out The Musician's Rolodex


Mealtime (group) (04/2022)-(04/2022)

Meal Time is an app designed to streamline the process of deciding when to have you favorite meals, and how to make them.
MealTime is for any busy person who wants to plan their meals ahead of time.
Each user who signs in with their email address will be able to publicy store and edit their favorite recipes and restaurants.
Each user will have access to their own private meal planning schedule which meals can be added to an removed.

Technologies Used 💻: JavaScript React Node.js Express.js Mongoose MongoDb CSS Bootstrap CSS HTML Git/Github Heroku Cloudinary JWT AUTH AJAX

Check Out Mealtime

Portfolio Item

Learnin' (04/2022)-(04/2022)

Learnin' is a full stack web application written in python with flask, PostgreSQL, and Anaconda.
Learnin' is a full CRUD lesson planner for any subject, school and private.
In the app, each user who creates an account will be able to create lessons and store them in a calendar. Learnin' also provides each user the ability to see a list of all of their students, and see all of the lesson plans associated with them.

Technologies Used 💻: Python3 Flask PostgreSQL Anaconda JavaScript CSS HTML Git/Github Heroku Bootstrap

Check Out Learnin'

Portfolio Item

Pokemon Central (07/2022)-(07/2022)

Pokemon Centeral is a React Front End to the PokeAPI designed to dynamically render various pieces of information

Technologies Used 💻: JavaScript, ReactJs, PokeAPI, AXIOS,

Check Out Pokemon Central

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